- Sleeping - Those early days seemed like forever when you were not sleeping through the night, but you have truly only had two really rough nights that stick out in my mind. We are truly blessed by your ability and desire to sleep from 8pm to 7am.
- Spitting Up - You were our spitter baby. We didn't have that issue with Luke, so it was new territory for us. We've now moved on from spit up after your milk feedings to colored drool after your solid food feedings:)
- Diapers, Diapers, Diapers - And, I might add, many clothing changes. You had a lot of "diaper escapes," which resulted in many clothing changes daily, up until you started eating fruits and vegetables. We've enjoyed the more controlled diapers since the food changes in January.
- Interaction - It's very hard for me to remember the days when you didn't smile, "talk", and laugh because our days are now filled with your bright smiles and happy baby sounds:)
- Eating - My life, as a nursing mom, used to revolve around your every three hour eating schedule during the day. It was very tricky to plan our days since your eating schedule depended on when you started your day in the morning (we weren't strict about setting your wake up time). Since December, you've moved into a schedule quite similar to the rest of the family: breakfast, lunch, late afternoon, and before bed (nursing) and solid food feeding with your breakfast and late afternoon feedings. This schedule has changed the outlook of my day drastically knowing there are usually 4+ hours between your feedings.
- Mobility - You've been a busy baby since I started feeling your movements in utero last year. But these days your mobility has developed into lots of jumping and rolling. You prefer to roll one direction (to your right), and you can make it across the living room pretty quickly if you want to join us in the kitchen:) And, you love to jump! Your jumperoo is the preferred location for jumping, but you also like to jump while we hold you and really anywhere you can wiggle enough to "jump".
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
You've Come A Long Way Baby
Nora has been in our life for over seven months now...wow! This week she weighed in at 18 lb 2 oz while visiting the doctor. This got Brent and I talking about how much she has already grown up. You've come a long way baby...
Celebrating Luke
We also celebrated with Beckmanns and Moyers, which means a day of Luke's choice. This year his choices included games at Chuck E Cheese and lunch at Whiskey Creek (which the adults might have influenced at bit:)). We had a great time introducing Bridget and Ross to Chuck E Cheese and having lunch together.
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Brent playing the football game... anyone surprised;) |
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Getting started with skee-ball (spelling?) |
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Roller Coaster Ride |
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Luke showing Gma how it's done |
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Brent and Ross racing cars |
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Boys will be boys |
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Ross and Brent racing snowmobiles |
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Little Luke on a big snowmobile seat:) |
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Won a string of tickets taller than himself from just one game! |
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Guitar Hero |
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Like father like son |
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Now Brent won a string of tickets taller than himself on one game:) |
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Happy lil Nora in her stroller while everyone planned games:) |
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Playing with Aunt Bridgy |
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Wearing a sweater that Bridget and I wore when we were babies. I just love the little hood:) |
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Take 1: Nora being silly... |
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Take 2: Nora pulling Luke's ear... |
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Take 3: I like it! |
Friday, February 22, 2013
High Five for Friday
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Luke at Swimming Lessons Blurry pic thanks to a humid room and a baby grabbing for my phone while taking the picture:) |
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Cutie Pie |
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Peaceful Sleeper |
Nora's First Time in the Snow |
Celebrating Luke's 7th and Annie's 11th Birthday with Pickers (And, yes, Annie has 12 candles on her cake:)) |
- I started reading a book this week! Sounds simple, but it's my first "book for pleasure" since Nora's been born. For the past seven months, reading has consisted of articles in newspapers and magazines and educational books about baby development.
- Celebrating Luke & Annie's birthday's at our house with Pickers. Both kids have friend birthday celebrations separately, so it's fun to get together as a family to celebrate together too.
- Nora and I had a few appointments at the clinic this morning and she was an absolute peach! She had one shot and only cried for a minute, then was back to smiling at the nurse. We had a stretch of time waiting between appointments and Nora blessed many with her inquisitive looks and big smiles:) She also kept herself entertained in her car seat with her toys while I had my appointment. All in all a great morning, especially considering it was in the middle of nap time and she only slept on the car ride to and from the clinic.
- Thursday was a great day of volunteering in Luke's class. Typically when I help Thursday mornings, the first grade classes do their flex reading time which means the kids break into groups with teachers according to their reading level. This week they did not have flex reading so I got to have the entire morning with Luke's class. I love the opportunity to get to know the kids he spends most of his days with and to help out with fun stuff like finishing up art projects, taking pictures of the kids with their finished projects, and giving spelling tests. It probably sounds strange, but I just feel so at home in Luke's school and love being able to share in some of his experiences there.
- I've been challenged recently through several different channels to consider the "stage" I am currently in in my life and how I can make the most of it, both at home and in the world around me. This week I gave a lot more thought to this as a result of attending the memorial service for a wonderful woman from our church and a reassuring conversation with a mom who is several stages ahead of me in her mothering journey. I realize this week's #5 is rather vague, but I'm still processing...just know it was a good week of processing:)
Thursday, February 21, 2013
Our Seven Year Old
Seven years ago, Brent and I entered the world of parenthood and it couldn't have been an easier, more joy-filled experience than with our sweet Luke. Our years with him have brought more love, joy, and fun than we ever could have anticipated.
Luke's birthday party theme this year was Minute to Win It. If you haven't seen the show, check out the website or the Game Show Network for reruns (which is where we started watching it this past year). The show is made up of challenges (games) that need to be completed within a minute using typical household items. It's lots of fun for the entire family:) Luke and I had lots of fun picking games, gathering supplies, and tweaking some of the games for him and his friends. On his birthday, he had nine friends over to play five Minute to Win It games: Hanky Panky, Breakfast Scramble, Chocolate Unicorn, Suck It Up, and Junk in the Trunk. Fun names, right?!?!
Hanky Panky Objective: Remove tissues, one at a time, from a tissue box in under a minute.
Breakfast Scramble Objective: Put together a "puzzle" of a cut up cereal box front in less than a minute.
Chocolate Unicorn Objective: Stack three brownie bites on your forehead and make them balance for three seconds (again, in under a minute).
Suck It Up Objective: Using a straw and your mouth for suction, move M&Ms from a bowl to a smiley face pattern drawn on a paper plate.
Luke and I were just talking the other day about how I don't write monthly blog posts about him now that he's older because he doesn't change, learn, and grow as fast as he did as a baby/toddler. Today, I want to take the time to share about our special boy.
At seven years old, you are...
- A gentle, loving, kind spirit who cares about his family and friends.
- A generous boy who sees the needs of others and desires to help fulfill those needs. Just last week you gave $5 of your birthday money as a donation to a Pennies for Patients drive at school.
- An avid learner and want to understand the meanings of words, how things work, and why things happen.
- A classic first child who holds very high standards for yourself (aka: perfectionist). Mommy understands this all too well and tries to help you see that we all make mistakes even when we are trying our hardest and that we will not be good at everything we try. A few recent examples:
- You say you do not like Art class in school because you can't get your projects to look like the teachers example
- You are very hard on yourself if you forget something (like your backpack or your shoes, on days you wear boots to school)
- A strong reader and lover of all things math.
- A reserved little boy (can I call you that any more???) who prefers to be a part of the crowd and does not like to stand out. A few recent examples:
- Your teacher suggested at conferences that you should raise your hand in class more often. She knows from your test scores that you are understanding the material, so she would like you to share your thoughts and answers with the group.
- You worry about "being the only one" who hasn't finished a project in Art class or wearing your boots at school when you forgot your shoes.
- A talkative and inquisitive boy at home though:)
- Very interested in the following:
- Music, preferably anything you can dance to
- Skylanders
- Beyblades
- Star Wars
- Shel Silverstein books
- Playing with Daddy, which usually includes wrestling, playing basketball, and playing football
- Playing games on the computer or our phones
- Superhero movies (like Avengers)
- A football and basketball lover. This past football season and current basketball season, you love watching games with Daddy, asking questions about things you may not understand, guessing who will win each game, and providing animated instant replays. Daddy has loved the time to bond together over two of his favorite things too:)
- Becoming quite a little basketball player. I've said multiple times this winter, "If Luke only had a basketball and a hoop to play with at home, he would have all he needs." I intentionally moved the furniture in our basement family room this winter so you had a nice long lane to his indoor basketball hoop and you take advantage of it daily. You're also playing Champion Youth Basketball for the first time and showing improvement weekly in your games. Your confidence dribbling and shooting have come a long way in one season.
- Really looking forward to starting tackle football in the fall. (I'm not sure how I feel about it though...)
- Planning to attend Michigan for college to play football and plan to be roommates with your cousins, Mekhi and Ethan.
- Changing your career aspirations. Up until this winter, you said you wanted to be a banker and work at Think Bank like Daddy. But recently, you said you want to be a writer because you have lots of ideas and stories in your head that you want to make into books. The first book idea you told us about is a Michigan and Ohio State football book.
- The best big brother we could have ever asked for to your sister. She adores you and is fascinated by all that you do. You share your attention and time freely and simply enjoy being with her too. Nora has a wonderful example to learn from and follow by watching you.
- A wonderful son who blesses our days with all of the above:)
So grateful that Luke gets to share his first birthday with a sibling:) |
Sporting his birthday gifts: a Denard Robinson jersey and new Michigan hat |
Luke's birthday party theme this year was Minute to Win It. If you haven't seen the show, check out the website or the Game Show Network for reruns (which is where we started watching it this past year). The show is made up of challenges (games) that need to be completed within a minute using typical household items. It's lots of fun for the entire family:) Luke and I had lots of fun picking games, gathering supplies, and tweaking some of the games for him and his friends. On his birthday, he had nine friends over to play five Minute to Win It games: Hanky Panky, Breakfast Scramble, Chocolate Unicorn, Suck It Up, and Junk in the Trunk. Fun names, right?!?!
Minute to Win It Game Supplies |
Scoreboard |
Hanky Panky |
It got a little messy:) |
Breakfast Scramble |
Nora watched on from her exersaucer |
Chocolate Unicorn |
Chocolate Unicorn |
Suck It Up |
Junk In The Trunk Objective: Remove six ping pong balls from a tissue box tied to your waist by moving your body while staying on your feet.
Junk in the Trunk |
Junk in the Trunk |
A good turn out for Luke's 7th Birthday Party! |
Luke had a great time with his friends at his Minute to Win It party!
Monday, February 18, 2013
7 Months
- A happy little lady (which is not portrayed in your seven month pics below)
- Fascinated by your brother and anything he does
- Quite a basketball fan. I can hardly hold you when you're watching Daddy or Luke play basketball (which you get to do several times a week) because you're constantly kicking your legs and flailing your arms:)
- Still breastfeeding four times a day and eating fruits and veggies for breakfast and supper. We tried yogurt last week once, and I'm not sure if it caused some tummy upset. I think I'll give it another week before I try it again to see if the tummy trouble with necessarily tied to the yogurt.
- A good little sleeper. You usually eat for the last time around 7pm and get to bed by 8pm, then sleep until 7am. Our goal is for you to have a morning and afternoon nap daily, but you don't like sleeping in your car seat as much as you used to when we're out and about. As long as you are kept moving in your car seat, you'll sleep OK; but once we arrive at our destination (i.e. MOPS or church), then you wake up.
- Showing your personality more and more every day. You love smiling at people and really seem to recognize people you see often. You are also showing your dislike when we take something away that you were enjoying or when you're put in a position you don't like at the moment.
- Happiest when you are upright so you can see what it happening and you love to jump! You'll find a way to jump even when you're not in your jumperoo:) Getting those legs strong and ready to walk.
- A drool factory! You constantly have something in your mouth and your shirt is always wet from drool. Luke jokes that Nora never runs out of toys because she always has her fingers:) We check often to see if you have teeth coming, but we haven't felt anything yet.
- Understanding cause and effect better. You know it's time to eat when you see a bottle or when we get your baby food ready. You know that banging your toys on your high chair tray makes a loud noise.
- Really enjoying tags. You find tags on toys and blankets and love sucking on them.
- The joy of our days, along with your brother, and we remind ourselves regularly just how blessed we are with this little family we call ours:)
Pretty telling of how the photo shoot went... but one of few showing her 7 month sticker:) |
Fascinated by her tutu |
I had to call in the smile-maker to help with the pics:) |
There's that big, happy grin! |
So happy to be eating her skirt |
Oh look how you've grown! |
Friday, February 15, 2013
High Five for Friday
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Found them lying together on the floor Valentine's Day morning:) |
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Rockin my new boots! Gotta love winter clearance! |
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Two very tired ladies |
There is no doubt these two adore each other |
Attempting Nora's 7 Month pics, I had to call in the smile-maker: Luke:) |
- Big week at our house with Nora turning 7 months on Monday and Luke turning 7 years tomorrow. More posts to come on that...it's been a busy week so I'm behind on posting Nora's 7 month update.
- Our floors are officially complete! We love them and are happy for this project to be behind us:)
- Brent and I had a nice date last Friday night as an early Valentine. We tried to have dinner at Chesters, which was crazy busy because of the Ice Bar downtown, so we ended up trying Zzest for the first time. It was fun to try something different. We saw Identity Thief after dinner too. We love Jason Bateman!
- I had a fun morning of shopping with Luke on Saturday. I miss the days that we got to do that more often before he was in school all day. Saturday was focused on getting supplies for his birthday party, Valentines, and a birthday present for his cousin. I always love Mommy and Lukey time:)
- Today is Luke's birthday celebration at school, so we're going to pick him up for a lunch out and bring birthday treats back to his class for the afternoon. Should be a fun day!
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