Thursday, February 21, 2013

Our Seven Year Old

Seven years ago, Brent and I entered the world of parenthood and it couldn't have been an easier, more joy-filled experience than with our sweet Luke.  Our years with him have brought more love, joy, and fun than we ever could have anticipated.  

Luke and I were just talking the other day about how I don't write monthly blog posts about him now that he's older because he doesn't change, learn, and grow as fast as he did as a baby/toddler.  Today, I want to take the time to share about our special boy.  

At seven years old, you are...
  • A gentle, loving, kind spirit who cares about his family and friends.  
  • A generous boy who sees the needs of others and desires to help fulfill those needs.  Just last week you gave $5 of your birthday money as a donation to a Pennies for Patients drive at school.  
  • An avid learner and want to understand the meanings of words, how things work, and why things happen.
  • A classic first child who holds very high standards for yourself (aka: perfectionist).  Mommy understands this all too well and tries to help you see that we all make mistakes even when we are trying our hardest and that we will not be good at everything we try.  A few recent examples:
    • You say you do not like Art class in school because you can't get your projects to look like the teachers example
    • You are very hard on yourself if you forget something (like your backpack or your shoes, on days you wear boots to school)
  • A strong reader and lover of all things math.
  • A reserved little boy (can I call you that any more???) who prefers to be a part of the crowd and does not like to stand out.  A few recent examples:
    • Your teacher suggested at conferences that you should raise your hand in class more often.  She knows from your test scores that you are understanding the material, so she would like you to share your thoughts and answers with the group.
    • You worry about "being the only one" who hasn't finished a project in Art class or wearing your boots at school when you forgot your shoes.
  • A talkative and inquisitive boy at home though:)
  • Very interested in the following:
    • Music, preferably anything you can dance to
    • Skylanders
    • Beyblades
    • Star Wars
    • Shel Silverstein books
    • Playing with Daddy, which usually includes wrestling, playing basketball, and playing football
    • Playing games on the computer or our phones
    • Superhero movies (like Avengers)
  • A football and basketball lover.  This past football season and current basketball season, you love watching games with Daddy, asking questions about things you may not understand, guessing who will win each game, and providing animated instant replays.  Daddy has loved the time to bond together over two of his favorite things too:)
  • Becoming quite a little basketball player.  I've said multiple times this winter, "If Luke only had a basketball and a hoop to play with at home, he would have all he needs."  I intentionally moved the furniture in our basement family room this winter so you had a nice long lane to his indoor basketball hoop and you take advantage of it daily.  You're also playing Champion Youth Basketball for the first time and showing improvement weekly in your games.  Your confidence dribbling and shooting have come a long way in one season.
  • Really looking forward to starting tackle football in the fall.  (I'm not sure how I feel about it though...)
  • Planning to attend Michigan for college to play football and plan to be roommates with your cousins, Mekhi and Ethan.
  • Changing your career aspirations.  Up until this winter, you said you wanted to be a banker and work at Think Bank like Daddy.  But recently, you said you want to be a writer because you have lots of ideas and stories in your head that you want to make into books.  The first book idea you told us about is a Michigan and Ohio State football book.
  • The best big brother we could have ever asked for to your sister.  She adores you and is fascinated by all that you do.  You share your attention and time freely and simply enjoy being with her too.  Nora has a wonderful example to learn from and follow by watching you.
  • A wonderful son who blesses our days with all of the above:)

So grateful that Luke gets to share his first birthday with a sibling:)

Sporting his birthday gifts:
a Denard Robinson  jersey
and new Michigan hat

Luke's birthday party theme this year was Minute to Win It.  If you haven't seen the show, check out the website or the Game Show Network for reruns (which is where we started watching it this past year).  The show is made up of challenges (games) that need to be completed within a minute using typical household items.  It's lots of fun for the entire family:)  Luke and I had lots of fun picking games, gathering supplies, and tweaking some of the games for him and his friends.  On his birthday, he had nine friends over to play five Minute to Win It games:  Hanky Panky, Breakfast Scramble, Chocolate Unicorn, Suck It Up, and Junk in the Trunk.  Fun names, right?!?!

Minute to Win It Game Supplies
Hanky Panky Objective:  Remove tissues, one at a time, from a tissue box in under a minute.

Hanky Panky
It got a little messy:)
Breakfast Scramble Objective:  Put together a "puzzle" of a cut up cereal box front in less than a minute.

Breakfast Scramble
Nora watched on from her exersaucer
Chocolate Unicorn Objective: Stack three brownie bites on your forehead and make them balance for three seconds (again, in under a minute).

Chocolate Unicorn
Chocolate Unicorn
Suck It Up Objective: Using a straw and your mouth for suction, move M&Ms from a bowl to a smiley face pattern drawn on a paper plate.

Suck It Up
Junk In The Trunk Objective:  Remove six ping pong balls from a tissue box tied to your waist by moving your body while staying on your feet.  

Junk in the Trunk
Junk in the Trunk
A good turn out for Luke's 7th Birthday Party!
Luke had a great time with his friends at his Minute to Win It party!


  1. Loved that blog, the minute to win it bday stuff is hilarious, I love how the one game is called 'chocolate unicorn' what a fun mom you are. Luke is just the neatest kid with such a sweet heart, what a perfect big brother too. I can relate to how he feels about things, I think I was a lot like him as a kid, my mom always told me that during conferences the teachers told them I should try raising my hand sometime, haha.

  2. Nice update on Luke, he is such a great little boy! Rick and I giggled at the part about being room mates with Ethan and Mekhi at just never know! :)
