Monday, February 18, 2013

7 Months

 At seven months you are...

  • A happy little lady (which is not portrayed in your seven month pics below)
  • Fascinated by your brother and anything he does
  • Quite a basketball fan.  I can hardly hold you when you're watching Daddy or Luke play basketball (which you get to do several times a week) because you're constantly kicking your legs and flailing your arms:)  
  • Still breastfeeding four times a day and eating fruits and veggies for breakfast and supper.  We tried yogurt last week once, and I'm not sure if it caused some tummy upset.  I think I'll give it another week before I try it again to see if the tummy trouble with necessarily tied to the yogurt.  
  • A good little sleeper.  You usually eat for the last time around 7pm and get to bed by 8pm, then sleep until 7am.  Our goal is for you to have a morning and afternoon nap daily, but you don't like sleeping in your car seat as much as you used to when we're out and about.  As long as you are kept moving in your car seat, you'll sleep OK; but once we arrive at our destination (i.e. MOPS or church), then you wake up.  
  • Showing your personality more and more every day.  You love smiling at people and really seem to recognize people you see often.  You are also showing your dislike when we take something away that you were enjoying or when you're put in a position you don't like at the moment.
  • Happiest when you are upright so you can see what it happening and you love to jump!  You'll find a way to jump even when you're not in your jumperoo:)  Getting those legs strong and ready to walk.
  • A drool factory!  You constantly have something in your mouth and your shirt is always wet from drool.  Luke jokes that Nora never runs out of toys because she always has her fingers:)  We check often to see if you have teeth coming, but we haven't felt anything yet.  
  • Understanding cause and effect better.  You know it's time to eat when you see a bottle or when we get your baby food ready.  You know that banging your toys on your high chair tray makes a loud noise. 
  • Really enjoying tags.  You find tags on toys and blankets and love sucking on them.  
  • The joy of our days, along with your brother, and we remind ourselves regularly just how blessed we are with this little family we call ours:)

Pretty telling of how the photo shoot went...
but one of few showing her 7 month sticker:)

Fascinated by her tutu

I had to call in the smile-maker to help with the pics:)

There's that big, happy grin!

So happy to be eating her skirt

Oh look how you've grown!

1 comment:

  1. You are not going to fit in the basket much longer, Nora! What a beautiful little lady you are. Love you will all my being.
