Wednesday, April 2, 2014

High Five for Five Days Off!

I took a few days off during Luke's spring break to hang at home with the kids and it was absolutely time well spent:)

My son and I are both pretty typical first born personalities, so we made a list of a few things we wanted to be sure to do during our time off together.  I'm happy to report that we got to do them all together!


We all love the Rochester Public Library, but we don't get there often with Luke during the school year.  We were able to find a few chapter books from a series Luke's been reading recently and some board books for Nora.  It's always a fun place to explore.


Luke had a gift card from his birthday burning a hole in his wallet and we all love ABC Toy Zone!  He was able to find two new games:  Rush Hour and Perplexus.  Nora had a great time playing with the bin of magnetic building blocks while Luke shopped:)

Lunches Out

Luke also had a gift card to McDonald's and a free Book It Pizza from school.  So, two cheap lunches out for us!  


You read that right...we went to the laundromat.  For some reason Luke loves going:)  Whenever I have to go to wash our bed comforter or rugs that don't fit in our washing machine, I'm sure to wait until he can come with.  He got a "fun" outing, playing the crane animal game, watched game shows on TV, and read while I got two clean comforters:)

Time & Memories Together

It's interesting to think what memories we share with our kids that will stick in their minds as they grow.  When I think back on my childhood, it's strange to think "Why did this memory stick while others didn't?"  Whether they remember this week or not, it has filled my heart:)

One of our many trips to Home Depot this week
(See this post)

Finding patio furniture at Home Depot

Hiding at Home Depot:)

Chillin' at the laundromat

Sleepy snuggle time watching cartoons, aka "toons" to Nora

Another view of our cartoon snuggles

Toast with Nutella for breakfast


  1. awww, what a nice week you are having with the littles. You always have such fun things to talk about! Audrey loves to hang out at Menards, when she was really little she used to hang out in the door section and just play and play. To this day she always wants to go up to the door section...silly girl.

  2. This high five... you took the words outta my mouth. Today I thought to myself "I'm going to blog about my favorite public places" and the first two places were the library and the laundromat. We love ABC Toy Zone, AND Jacob got the perplexus for Christmas. AND, one of our favorite pastimes are comedy sitcoms after the kids are in bed. It warms my heart that we share so much in common. I love your family to pieces.

    1. Only wish we could share all of our favorite places together:)
