Saturday, April 5, 2014

High Five for Friday

You can tell it's been a good week when I have multiple High Fives:)

I've had so many sweet moments with our family this week that I had to write again.


Snuggles in bed with Nora while she chattered away and played with my hair.  


Lazy nights on the couch watching Season 1 of Modern Family with my man.


Sunday Funday at Beckmanns when it was 60 degrees!  We got out Luke's old tricycle for Nora to ride for the first time and Luke rode his electric scooter (a Christmas gift) for the first time outside.  The kids rode around the block several times, the same block my sister and I rode around countless times as kids:)  Nora still can't reach the peddles, but she loves being pushed and wearing her helmet.



Getting an email at work from Brent suggesting our favorite chinese restaurant for dinner out.  (I should clarify, it's mine and Luke's favorite, but Brent has come around to it through the years.)  Love me some Wong's!


Laying on the floor looking through the Highlights magazine with both kids.  


  1. Can I tell you how happy I am you had warmer weather?! I have cringed every time I looked at your forecast. Also, Jacob wears his Minecraft shirt two days in a row, throws it in the washer and dryer the third day, then wears it another 2 days in a row. I do the exact same thing with my mug (except it goes in the dishwasher and not the laundry). I think of you nearly everyday, dear friend.

    1. Missing you dear! Any plans yet for rotation in MN in the coming year???
