Friday, April 25, 2014

Our Morning Shadow

Nora loves imitating things right now.  I love this stage of toddlerhood when they're trying so hard to gain independence and are willing to attempt anything someone older is doing:)

This morning Nora was really aware of everything Luke and I were doing and I even got a few pics!

Nora loves "brushing" her teeth with us.  When she sees me get out my toothbrush and paste, she points to the cabinet where her toothbrush is kept and proceeds to imitate me brushing my teeth:)

Big girl in my heels, little girl sucking her thumb:)

Luke was getting some reading time in before school and Nora hopped right up to join him:)

Not pictured:
  • Nora took Luke's lunch box from the cabinet and walked around the house with it like she was getting ready for school
  • Nora takes a barrette or headband of mine out of the drawer everyday and walks around with it like she's getting ready for the day.  It's quite funny because she doesn't know what to do with the barrette so she sticks it in her ear (not far so that she'd hurt herself, just enough so it hangs from her ear:)).  The headhands she either wears on her head or around her neck.  

I love watching her grow and develop new skills, but I'll certainly keep her as my baby for a while longer;)

1 comment:

  1. Nora and Carson are very close in age and yes... he's at that independent (wanna do everything himself) stage too. It's fun watching them at this age, no doubt about it!
