Monday, June 16, 2014

Run, Run as Fast as You Can!

Our little man (if I can still call him that), has been a running fool!  And, we are having so much fun watching him grow and mature in his skill.

On Memorial Weekend, he ran the Med City Kids' Marathon.  The intent was for the kids to run 1 mile 25 times during the month leading up to the race, then run the remaining 1.2 miles the day of the race.  We didn't quite get the 25 miles run before the race due to soccer practices and rainy weather, but he did a great job on his 1.2 mile run on Memorial Weekend!

Last week, we attended the first All Comers Track Meet for the summer.  These events are SO fun!  And, I think the rest of Rochester agrees, since the event has been going on for 44 years:)  It was a beautiful night and Luke ran the 50m, 100m, and 200m.  He and one other 8 year old boy were neck and neck in each of the races, but Luke ended up with second place in all three.  You should have seen the determination on his face.  He was SO intent on winning at least one of the races, but now he has extra fuel for future weeks at the All Comer Track Meets:)

On Saturday, Brent and I ran the Go for the Gold 5K and Luke ran the kids' sprint races.  This is also a fun event that Luke and I ran last year.  This was Brent's first run of the spring/summer due to some knee issues he's been dealing with, but he did well and made it through without issue.  I was glad to beat my goal by nearly a minute!  Luke ran the 50m, 100m, and 200m again.  In the 50m, he ran against 8-9 year old girls because there were no boys in his age group.  He got first place (and told us after that he would have been embarrassed to lose to girls;)).  So, in the 100m, we told him he could run with the 10-12 year old boys.  He did a great job, other than getting tripped up on the turn (the race was 50m out and 50m back and he turned the wrong way into the other runners).  But, he still finished second!  Finally, in the 200m, he was on the ball with his turn (they ran 100m out and 100m back) and won handily over the 10-12 year old boys!  He was so excited:)

200m Race

It has been SO much fun watching him run:)  He's really enjoying it and had a lot of fun running with friends (different ages and sex so never in the same races) as well.


  1. I see a future track star... this kind of determination will likely help him with many things in life. It's really neat how you all have an interest in running, next will be Nora :)
