Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day?

I'm finding it hard to believe that Mother's Day is just a day this year because I have been so blessed already this week and it's not even the official day yet!  Luke's elementary school, Gibbs, sure makes Mother's Day special:)

On Wednesday, Luke's class went to the Mother's Day Store at school to shop for their moms.  Each child could bring $1-$5 to purchase a gift for their mom.  Luke came home with a paper grocery bag decorated with a bow and stapled shut.  It will be fun to see what he picked out for me:)

On Thursday, Luke's teacher had the kids fill out worksheets completing sentences about their moms. I volunteered in Luke's class that afternoon, but was working in the hall with a few kids so didn't get to see Luke's worksheet until we got home.  It completely melted my heart!

Luke's worksheet for Mom (I wrote underneath what he was spelling if you have trouble deciphering:))
Click on photo to view larger.

On Friday, Luke brought home a small plant that they started from seed in their class last month while learning about planting and plant growth.  It is just a few leaves now, but it will be a flower soon!  Again, this gift was in a brown lunch bag, that was decorated by Luke, and stapled shut.  He let me open this gift tonight so we could water it and get it in the sun. 

Proud of his plant
I'm telling you, my heart is already full from these precious gifts...I cannot believe I have the Mother's Day Store gift and another gift from Brent and Luke yet to open this weekend.  I am truly a blessed momma to be loved by such a sweet son and loving husband.

P.S. I just love how Luke is so like me when it comes to gifts.  He loves picking them out for people, putting thought into it, and he gets very excited to give the gifts as well. He already asked Brent tonight if he could give me the other two gifts to open.  He is certainly a boy after my own heart:)  I once gave Brent his Father's Day gift on Mother's Day because I was so excited to give it to him:)


  1. That is so sweet! I love his little answers on the worksheet :)

  2. He is so glad about his plant, Luke is a very lucky boy to have such a great mamma! happy Mother's day Jen.

  3. So sweet. :) I love those little fill-in-the-blank worksheets, too. It's always fun to see what kids write. (Ethan once wrote I had green eyes instead of brown, and that I was about 5 years younger than I really am... Made my day.) :) Enjoy the rest of your Mother's Day week! :)

  4. My very favorite gifts ever for Mother's Day were the ones they picked at school, too. They would often bring the plants that I had started for the Mother's Day store back to me upside down in their backpacks :-). That was my very favorite. I think it was Brent who said, "We knew you really liked that kind of plant" because you already have one at home." I still chuckle. The very favorite was the fill in sheets, though. I remember them saying, "Dad plays with us, but Mom talks to us about stuff." I treasure that comment yet.

    This should be the best Mother's Year ever for you!
