Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Proud Parents

We have a precious son, who makes us proud everyday.  As you know, he is also quite timid.  So, last week, Brent and I were beaming when we learned of two situations in which Luke showed his kind and sensitive heart while also sticking up for kids around him that he recognized as the underdogs or in need. 

First, Luke told us about a situation on the playground at school.  He said that there was a preschooler who was being picked on by some kindergarten and first grade boys.  He said that he told the boys to stop bugging the preschooler.  He never told us who the boys were that were picking on the preschooler or what all the situation involved, but we were SO proud that he confronted the situation when he saw someone in need.  As a funny side note to this story, I asked him if he told a teacher about the situation.  He said that he didn't want to bother the kindergarten teacher who was on the playground because she's really pregnant and wouldn't want to bend down:)  Can you tell he's noticed me trying to avoid bending over as I've gotten further along in this pregnancy;)

Then, at MOPS last week, one of the moms told me how her daughter who is in Luke's MOPPETS class shared a recent situation.  The little girl said that some of the boys were chasing her and that Luke intervened and asked them to stop.  Once again, we were SO proud to hear of him standing up for another kiddo.  Later when I mentioned the story to Luke, he didn't remember it specifically, which leads me to believe it wasn't a stressful moment for him to intervene. 

I have to say that hearing situations like these gives me great relief when it comes to Luke growing up.  He's always tended toward being timid, while being very caring and sensitive at the same time.  We're so glad to see that acting on his sensitivities was not stifled by his shyness in these situations.

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