Friday, May 3, 2013


I've gotten behind on my High Five for Fridays!  Life has been good, but we've had some busy Fridays.  Here is my effort to recap a few weeks...
4/14 - Third tooth bites the dust
(First one gone from the top)
Luke and Ethan had the same teeth missing for a few days
(until Ethan lost his other top tooth)
Nora had a three session baby swim class through Community Education.  She and I enjoyed the class together.  She was super busy kicking through each class.  There is no fear of the water present in this baby!
Getting ready for Nora's her first swimming lesson
Love this expression:)
This picture is a good indication
 of why we call her "goober":)
Luke being goofy with this too big pj pants
Nora has graduated to eating table food with us and she LOVES it.  She's always been very aware of what we've been eating and now she can join in.
Enjoying waffles and bananas for breakfast
Peek!  I'm awake from my nap:)
Love this face:) 
Luke had a great time at the Gibbs School Carnival with ALL of this cousins!  Good times:)
Gibbs School Carnival Fun!
Luke climbing with cousin, Annalise
Checking out Daddy's hair
Playing patty cake with Daddy
I especially love the pic below because Luke and I had a tradition of me reading to him while he was in the tub.  Now he's carrying on the tradition for Nora:)
Luke reading to Nora during her bath
Little miss is on the move...backwards that is.  She can wiggle, push, and roll her way to where she wants to get within a room pretty easily now.  But, she's not yet crawling.  
Someone backed herself into a corner
Pretty lady dressed for a beautiful, warm day
outside at the Arbor Day Celebration
Worn out after the Arbor Day Celebration
Nora loves being on Daddy's shoulders
and examining his face:)
Love it!
Luke is finally big enough to ride his "big bike" from Papa and Gramma.  He's loving it and doing great!
Luke trying out his new, bigger bike
He loves it!
Big girl in her cute blazer:)
May 2nd...puke...
Big girl is getting too big to sleep the short
way in her crib without bending her legs


  1. Aww, love it Jen! You are such a great life documenter :) My favs are Luke reading to her in the tub and her tormeting Brent's face! (Love the rug in the living room too btw)

  2. Luke is really turning into quite the little man, and such a good big brother. Nora is so sweet, such a happy and pretty little girl. You have a beautiful family Jen!

  3. What a beautiful family you are building.
