Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Wranglin Websites Continued

A couple months ago I wrote a post called "Wranglin Websites" and I knew I'd think of more websites to share, so here they are!
  • Map My Run - A great site for finding the distance of your walk, run, or bike ride.  I believe you need a to create an account (or log in via Facebook), but it's very easy to use.  We use it all the time at our house to decide where we'll walk or run.  (Brent also used Geodistance.com, same idea.)
  • Live Better America - Love this site!  I can't remember how I found it, but I've been getting recipes off it for years.  My favorites are the "healthified" recipes that are formerly less healthy recipes tweaked to be more healthy.  The recipes usually have what I would call "normal" ingredients too, which I like. 
  • Missus Smarty Pants - I have been following Missus Smarty Pants' blog for a couple years and finally decided to subscribe to her website too (for an annual fee).  Her blog has a lot of good tips on style, shopping, and closet organization.  The subscription includes a body analysis (determining body shape), color analysis (determining which colors are best for your skin/hair/eye color), weekly articles on specific style topics, and weekly shopping guides where she suggests clothes that are good for your body shape.  I've only had the subscription for a few weeks, but it's been fun so far!
  • Etsy - This a great site for shopping homemade goods.  I learned about it several years ago when my friend got the jewelry for the wedding party from a vendor on Etsy.  Now, I know several people personally who sell their homemade items on Etsy.  It's a genius idea to create a platform for small, at-home business to sell their products. 
  • My Coke Rewards - Do you drink Coke products?  If you do, you should collect points.  I just started this past year and I should have been doing it for years.  You can get lots of free stuff with your points!  (Again, you can create an account via Facebook.)
  • Wholesome Homemade Baby Food - Great site with info on making your own baby food.  I loved it while I was making it for Nora and wish I had known about it when Luke was a baby. 
  • Huggies - Another great place to collect "points" to get free stuff.  I have to buy diapers so I may as well reap any benefits I can, right?:) 
(By the way, if you don't collect your own Coke Rewards or Huggies points, I'll gladly take them off your hands:))

I also follow a few blogs regularly that are lots of fun:
  • The Small Things Blog - Kate has some great ideas on hairstyles (including tutorials), makeup, style, organization, decorating, etc.  I love her classic, laid back style and she has such fun hair ideas!
  • iHeart Organizing - Jen is an organizing and decorating machine!  Oh, and did I mention she's also all about DIY.  She has great ideas and shares all of her home projects and how-tos.  There are days I read her blog and feel like a real organizational failure, but most days she is an inspiration and I find fun ideas:)

Happy Web Browsing:)


  1. I love visiting different web sites that others find helpful. I have always given Chris our Coke rewards, we just dont drink enough of it so I figure I'll let him collect, He's got a lot of neat things! I bookmarked "live better America" I always love browsing new recipes!

    1. You can sign up for the Live Better America email newsletter too which comes monthly and has links to seasonal recipes.
