Friday, July 19, 2013

High Five for Friday


As a result of my new job, I now park at my parent's house and walk to and from work.  It is a lovely seven block walk through historic southwest Rochester and I love it!  The streets are lined with beautiful mature trees, shaded sidewalks, and unique older homes to admire.  One thing I love about my walk is smelling the trees and flowers.  I remember as a kid walking on some of the same sidewalks with my mom while I collected black walnuts to bring home for the squirrels to eat (wasn't it sweet of me to do some of the squirrels' work:)).  As I was walking back from work today, I recognized the smell of the black walnuts and it brought me back:)
Black Walnuts


We had the opportunity last weekend to share a lot of time with family, some that we rarely see.  Brent's dad's family had a reunion at Ruth & Kerry's house while Kerry's sister, Kathy, and her husband, Jerry, were in town from Texas.  We had a nice day visiting on Saturday with Kathy and Jerry, and Kerry's brother and wife, and Kerry's mom and step dad.  Then on Sunday, we celebrated Nora's birthday with my parents, Bridget and Ross, and my grandparents.  Both days were beautiful for playing yard games and grilling.


I've recently learned that several friends are expecting babies!  A few of these friends have had a long wait for their pregnancies so my excitement for them is compounded:) I loved pregnancy and all of the expectation, planning, and hopes that went along with it so I love celebrating along side friends as they experience this amazing time in life.


We got our baby back this week with the help of antibiotics! She had a cold for a week and was quite fussy, so after the typical questioning (is it teething, is her throat sore from her cough, are her ear hurting), we got an appointment and learned she has an ear infection.  This "high five" is not for my sick baby, but rather my feeling-better-with-the-help-of-antibiotics baby:)


I'm sitting on the deck with my laptop on a beautiful evening typing this post.  Enough said:)


  1. A couple years ago I was walking that area downtown with a friend and she said the same thing about smelling the walnut trees, isnt it funny how certain smells stick with you forever.

  2. You can eat them, too, But it's a lot of work.
