Friday, August 16, 2013

High Five for Friday


Running the Little Miracles 5K, read about it here.


Ely Trip with Beckmanns and Moyers
We had a great trip to Ely for a few days away at Timber Trail Lodge with my family.  We had a great cabin with plenty of room for all of us and enjoyed our times playing games, eating, fishing, eating, shopping, eating, exploring the North American Bear Center, eating, and enjoying our time together.  We never have a shortage on food:) 
Even on vacation she's Papa's girl:)


We're in between sports seasons and it's been lovely to have our evenings unscheduled, especially during this beautiful weather!  We've been out on walks, taken trips to the park, and enjoyed time in the yard and garden.  I'm especially trying to soak in as much summer as possible while it's still ours:)


Luke, Nora, and I hit up the RAC pool on my day off this week.  It was only in the low 70s so not many people were at the outdoor pool.  It made for a very relaxing time for Nora to explore and for Luke to go down the water slide without a line:) 
Swimming with my loves

Nora was not a fan of any of the water spouts


Less than a month until our Alaskan Cruise!

And, for your viewing pleasure...a few cute shots of Nora:)
$1 baby sunglasses...I couldn't resist

Tired girl snuggling in the hallway with her
blanket and bear while I got ready for work

1 comment:

  1. Our kids grew up with both sets of G-parents in Rochester, isnt it the best, they have a bond that a lot of grandkids never get to experience. We are blessed! Love the picture of Nora in her sunglasses such a cutie!
