Sunday, March 17, 2013

Wranglin Websites

I got the idea for this post from a fellow blogger I know from church.  I love keeping up on Jackie's blog and I thought this post was a fun idea. 

A few of my favorite and frequently visited websites:
  • Oh Life - Oh Life is genius!  I love it for several reasons:  it's easy, it sends me emails (ones I actually want to read), it helps me remember dates, events, and special moments, and it's a momma's best friend for remembering milestones for the kiddos.  In case you don't click on the link above, I've included an image below of the main page that explains it simply:
The site emails me daily (you can set the frequency), I just reply to the email with what happened for the day that I want to remember, and it saves the info in my private profile.  I don't reply to it each day, and I can go to the site to record events that I may have forgotten about or decided I wanted to track.  The other fun piece of this website, is that the emails sent daily include a "Remember this..." that shares something that happened in the past. Just a fun little reminder like this...
I hope I'm explaining how the site works well enough to intrigue you, because it's a very fun, free site:)  (Brent's even gotten hooked on reading the "Remember this..." portion of the emails even though I'm the only one that tracks events.)  I've been using the site for over a year now.
  • Shelfari - I can't remember how I learned about Shelfari, but I started using it for two reasons:  to track which books I've read and want to read, and to share these books with others on my blog (note the bookshelves on the right side of my blog).  The site is tied to Amazon (so your Amazon log in/password is used) and has pretty much any book you'd ever want to find.  There are lots of additional functions you can use like rating books, online communities, etc, but I mostly like to use it to keep track of the books I want to read.  When I get a recommendation from a friend, I add the book to my "Plan to Read" section.  When I want to find a new book to read, I check my "Plan to Read" section for ideas.  Love it!
  • iPiccy - I use this photo editor to make collages, add text to pictures, etc.  I use the site options pretty simply, but there are lots options to check out.  Also free:)
  • Shutterfly - I use Shutterfly to share our photos.  I feel like the world of digital pictures has opened up so many opportunities to share life and experiences through pictures and I love how easy it is to share pictures online!  Shutterfly has free sharing sites, which I use:  I'm a little embarrassed to mention this right now because I've not been keeping it current in 2013.  I also use Shutterfly to create photo gifts (calendars, etc), create photo books, and to order prints of our pictures.  Shutterfly prints some of their products at Target too, so I can just pick them up (other items are mailed).  (Note:  One disadvantage to Shutterfly is that they do not store your photos in their original size, so it is not a back up for photos on your computer.)
  • Blogger - I obviously love Blogger and use it for my own blog, but I also use it to follow other bloggers.  I get a news feed of blog posts by bloggers I follow, which allows me to click on the link to read the exact blog post. 
  • Pinterest - I'm sure you've heard of Pinterest. But, in case you haven't, it's an online bulletin board to keep track of items you want to remember, keep track of, etc.  I particularly love Pinterest to keep track of recipes.  I have several "boards" for different types of food (i.e. breakfast, chicken, appetizers, etc) and I have one board called "Family Approved Recipes".  Once I've tried a recipe and the family gives it their approval, then I add it to the family approved recipes.  It's a great place to look while I'm meal planning and it helps me remember "that recipe I tried one time that Luke liked".  (You know you've done that too:))
  • You all know I use Facebook and share lots of life and pictures with it:)

These are all of the sites I can think of at the moment, but I'll create another post in the future if I come up with some more!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the little "plug" Jen :) I enjoyed reading about your favorite websites as well. You had 2 that I had never visited so I did just that tonight. Ipiccy was very similar to Picmonkey the photo editor I like to use. I think it's what you get used to, both are nice sites! I also put in my first post on "Oh life". My life probably isn't as exciting as your's but I'm excited to try and record more about the grandkids....the funny things they do and say so that in years to come we can look back and be reminded of their cuteness. I'm gonna share this one with Brianna :)
