Saturday, March 2, 2013

Swimming with Nora

Today we brought Nora swimming for the first time at the Rochester Family Y.  It was so cute to see her little self in a swimming suit:)  She seemed to like the water, but wasn't quite as active as I had expected her to be.  I thought she'd be kicking like crazy, I actually think the water calms and soothes her.  She enjoyed floating around with us and isn't bothered at all by water in her face.  We start baby swimming lessons with her next month, so it will be fun to see what she thinks of that too.

Modeling her swimming suit
Hanging with Daddy
Checking out the water fountains
Having fun!


  1. Nothing sweeter than a baby girl in her tiny suit, glad she liked the water! I was just wondering today how Carson would do in the water!
